Saturday, December 19, 2009

This is just a couple hours after the previous photos. Notice my once nicely shoveled walkway, it has about 8-12 more inches. We were complaining how there are no nearby hills or anything to take advantage of our winter wonderland.
Side note on the movie below, wait a few seconds it is dark at first. I apologize

So we are a week away from returning home for Christmas and very excited. Yes we have been a part of the big east coast snow storm here are some pictures and a video. You can see we got a lot of snow and Brittan needed to go to the store to get some things. Well the Civic was not made for this type of weather so we hiked around south Philly to do our shopping. It was fun but chilly. Our neighbor let us barrow her shovel to take care of our walkway. Seems to us to be pretty ineffective since by the end we could do it all over again. Both of us also realized that in our major cutdown of what to bring in our car as we headed east we did not pack any snow gear. So it was all about blue jeans and layers for our outdoor adventures. As you can see we decided to get each other one large gift for Christmas instead of a small one. So a Double Shot it was. I was in the heart of all of my finals when it arrived so it was difficult to not set up right away. I did pump up a ball first, then came hooking the net up to the rim and then wouldn't you believe, it all went up soon after. We have enjoyed it and Brittan is determined to get to 80. We are excited for Christmas and anxious to be home for the holidays (If we don't get snowed in of course). Merry Christmas

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tis' Hallow's Eve

Me and Dan have been excited to celebrate halloween, hence, all the pumpkin carving. However, now that we are adults October 31st is sort of a anti-climactic holiday. Mostly because we can't go trick or treating with the ocean of south philly children out on the streets tonight. I had left around 4 o'clock to go grocery shopping, leaving daniel to fend for himself against the little scavengers with only a half empty bag of Now and Laters. I had missed his call of desperation an hour into my shopping trip that "WE NEED MORE CANDY!". Unfortunately while being immersed in the phsycotic craze that is 'shopping at shoprite', I had forgotten to get more candy. Upon returning home I found him being bludgened by the candy sacks of several 5 year olds. It took me a while to shew them- luckily daniel escaped unscathed (good thing because we don't have health insurance yet). I had some sugar free hard candies up in the cupboard, but there is nothing worse than being the people who pass out the 'lame candy', So Daniel ventured out amoung the herds of glucose thirsty savages to the local drugstore for some more substantial sweets. By the time he returned, a rain storm was passing through and there was not a tricker in sight. His trip, though in vain, left us with a large amount of chocolate. Luckily, two little princesses showed up on our doorstep. Amoung our candy offerings were a few toothbrushes Daniel had added (He has bought a few boxes of them at school for the sole purpose of replacing a brush- should it fall upon the floor or any other unclean surface- heaven forbid we actually try and wash it). The two cute magnates chose the tooth brushes! Daniel was ecstatic- I wish I had taken a picture of them (we rewarded this wise decision with some more candy!) All in all, it was a good halloween night- our first here in philly, which we will spend the remainder of listening to game 3 of the world series. GO PHILLIES!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

So this is our first post iwth our new internet service. It has been about a month without service. I have spoken to a large amount of people on the phone that did not speak our language but we have eventually gotten it. These are the pumpkins that we have carved so far this season. We invited a friend from school and his wife to come over and carve pumpkins with us. We think we are good.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our New Home

Here is a video tour of our new home in South Philly. We hope you feel inspired to come visit us. We obviously have plenty of extra rooms although as you can see, not much parking. Sorry about the camera turning sideways. We learned our lesson:)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

First week report

We have made it to Des Moines Iowa safely. Our travels yesterday gave us a scare as we drove into hail the size of nickels and tornado warnings. When we pulled off the road we attempted to get under an overpass but it was already full so we just parked outside with others who came later. Neither of us were educated in what the safest action that needed to be taken. We did not think of taking Cross country traveling 101 in our course work. Yellowstone and the Badlands were both very enjoyable. We did not see a whole lot of wildlife but we did see a herd of deer relaxing outside one of the hotels in Yellowstone. The hikes in both parks were fun and we have met people all over the states and world during them. Our in car time has consisted of litstening to music, books on CD(1776), and playing Would You Rather(thanks Joe and Khia). We will play here with Jeremy and Brittany until Monday which is when we will head to Nauvoo. In all it has been a great trip and we cannot believe we have already been married for a week. We would like to think we are experts in married life.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Philadelphia or Bust

We wanted to start our trip early this morning, but we had to make a few "quick" stops to Brittan and my parents house as well as a stop at Walmart. When all was said and done, we didn't get out of FW until 10:30 am. We hope to be in Bozeman before it gets too dark. We will be keeping everyone posted on our travels here.