Sunday, March 14, 2010

New york and new art

Here you go Corine- a picture of me and dan for your fridge. If it doesn't print out well due to poor resolution or something just let me know and we will send you one by mail! Also, in person me and dan look much more glamorous.

Me and dan took the 'bolt bus' up to New York yesterday to visit the temple and be tourists for the day. The bolt bus is a great big ol' bus where you can buy a 26$ round trip ticket that will take you directly from philly to the big apple in less than two hours. Which is a really great price compared to just driving your own car if you factor in gas and tolls. So we left early Saturday morning and took the subway from madison square Gardens (where the bolt bus dropped us off) directly to the temple. We had planned to do some touristy stuff after but unfortunately it was monsoon like weather for the east coast yesterday. So we decided to go back to philly and enjoy the evening inside of a warm house. Dan was especially disapointed because before going back he wanted to go to the ESPN zone where there is apparently an amazing sampler platter. We went but they said there was a one hour wait, so suddenly cold cereal back at home sounded very appealing.

Dan has been on Spring break this whole week and has enjoyed his time off, but he says he feels lazy and wants to get back to school. This whole week Dan pretty much spent scrubbing, cleaning, gardening, laundering and I will miss having a maid do all my dirty work and coming home from work every day to a perfectly clean house!

To Dad and Mel: my poor art submissions.
So the first is my attempt at a John Lovett online tutorial, whose mixed media mostly watercolor art work i LOVE. At first i thought "oh, this will be waayyy easy" and before I was done I thought a 5 year old had gotten a hold of my brush. Here is a link to the tutorial in case you would like to try- hopefully you will have better results!

The next is just another one of my poster art copies, I'm not done with the boat, sails or water, seagul and actually i'm not really done at all but you can see where I'm going. Maybe I should stay away from the abstract (: I do much better at just copying.